We feed social and environmental responsibility

We offer services and activities linked to gleaning, raising awareness about food waste and thrift cooking.

Foster cohesion of your team with an outdoor activity and generate a positive social and environmental impact.

Learn recipes to use parts of fruits and vegetables that you may have thrown away before in a practical and fun way.

Discover the best tricks and recipes from professional chefs for a healthy and sustainable diet

Acquire skills to work on the reduction and prevention of food loss and waste in your company, organization or educational center.

Become aware of food waste in a didactic and participatory way. You are also part of the solution!

Get inspired to take action: we talk about food waste, social entrepreneurship, farming and gleaning and the right to healthy and sustainable food.

How can you complement the activity?

Tasting of es im-perfect®'s products

Taste our super tasty vegetable and natural preserves made under criteria of food utilization, responsible consumption and social and environmental sustainability.

Include es im-perfect® in your company gifts, Christmas baskets or any other event you want to celebrate.

Dissemination and communication campaigns

Take the fight for food utilization further: we design tailor-made awareness-raising materials and campaigns.

We adapt to your context

Companies and private entities

Public administrations

Third sector

Han confiat amb nosaltres

Do you have any doubts? Do you want to hire a service?