In Espigoladors we fight for a better food usage while empowering people at risk of social exclusion from a transformative, participative, inclusive and sustainable way. We are a non-profit organisation which acts upon three social challenges: developing a replicable and transferable model able to impact food waste reduction, enhancing access to an adequate diet and generating new opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion.
Our commitment with the SDGs
The actions promoted by Espigoladors are well alligned with some of the SDGs, adopted in 2015 by United Nations in order to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for everyone as part of a new sustainability development global agenda.
For more information about the SDGs click here.
Circular Economy
At the same time, Espigoladors model is closely bound up with the circular economy principles, a new paradigm change aiming to extend product’s lifespan and maximize their use, while reducing waste generation.


Jean-François Millet (1857)
Gleaning (in Catalan, espigolar) was a traditional activity which took place in the fields. People with little resources collected in the farmers’ fields the surplus produce, such as wheat spikes, nuts or olives, once the main harvest was finished. Espigoladors aims to promote this activity as a strategy to reduce farm losses and food waste, to provide access to adequate food to everyone and to boost social transformation.

Our board of trustees
President: Mireia Barba
Secretary: Jaume Oller (Tandem Social)
Treausurer: Xavier Costa
Vocals: Sison Pujol, Marina Pons, Jordi Bruna, Ada Parellada
Eternally dreamers
Jordi, Marina y Mireia: because we thought it was worth trying it, with humour, persistance and a bit of unconsciousness.
Those who bring the project alive
The dream team: Isabel, Núria, Marta, Marc, Josep Maria, Alba, Cèlia, Anna, Olga, Fàtima, Toni and many more…
The change makers and indispensable ones: the gleaners who join us, the commited farmers and collaborating enterprises.